Give your home The B.I.C.C. Stamp of Approval

With B.I.C.C. Approved HVAC services you can rest at ease knowing it’s done right



B.I.C.C. Approved focuses on making sure all areas of the home are equally comfortable and your system is performing properly. We offer solutions from repairs and annual checkups to complete installs.


New HVAC Unit

Installing or replacing a HVAC unit can be highly complex if you’ve never done it before. We’re licensed to manage the complete installation from unit transport to ductwork. Our crews will work quickly to ensure you have refreshing air as soon as possible. We’ll even dispose of your old unit, if you have one. Check out our products


Repair & Maintenance

We begin each service call with a thorough inspection of your HVAC unit and related components, such as air ducts, filters and coils. In most cases, we can restore your unit to functionality, but sometimes, a newer, more-efficient model can generate a better return on your energy investment.


Air Duct Installation & Replacement

Ductwork is arguably the most important component of any heating and cooling system. The goal of a duct system is to channel air from a handling unit and distribute it through vents before collecting and returning it back to the unit.

If a duct system is installed incorrectly or failing, this can lead to heat gain or air loss. This can undermine the effectiveness of even the most efficient HVAC units, and a small crack or split is all it takes. Failing ducts are the most common problem with HVAC systems. Over time, poor duct performance can have a noticeable impact on your room temperature and energy bills.


Annual Checkups

Routine maintenance is a smart way to promote the longevity of your HVAC unit and reap the most for your investment. With an annual checkup, our technicians can diagnose and solve problems before they progress into full-scale system failures.


Have more questions?

At B.I.C.C. Approved the bottom line is we are here to help.
Give your home The B.I.C.C. Stamp of Approval today!